Father Marreddy Allam, Pastor
1404 Old Highway 52
Moncks Corner, SC 29461
Please note that the “Dear Father” box located in the back of the church is for questions on our faith or practices, customs, church doctrine, and traditions.
Please do not use this box for general questions regarding parish operations. If you have such a question, please put it in an envelope and send it to the office via the collection plate. Simple questions can be answered by our office staff and others will be forwarded to Father Marreddy to address. If you sign it we will contact you to discuss your need, or if unsigned we will discuss it at the appropriate council meeting.
St. Philip Benizi
5:00 PM Saturday , and by appointment
Daily Mass: Tue/Wed/Fri 9:00AM
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am
2:30 pm Spanish
Our Lady of Peace
8:00 AM Sunday, and by appointment
Daily Mass: Thurs 9AM
Weekend Mass Sunday 8:30 am

Our Lady of Peace Mission

224 Murrays Ferry Rd
Bonneau, SC 29431
Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS

Although we cannot gather together inside a building to commemorate this important week in our Church, we can gather around an electronic screen and pray together as a diocesan community.

During this time of COVID-19 and "Social Distancing" we encourage you to take advantage of the wonderful content provided by the parish on FORMED. There is a wealth of information, movies, books and more. These times call for us to immerse ourselves in our faith even deeper.
Church Staff

Father Marreddy Allam
Tue.- Fri.
10am -2pm

Deacon Michael J. Heidkamp
Director of Religious Education -

Parish Secretary - Kim Gotz

Bulletin Editor - Ingrid Myers

Head Sacristan ~ Office Assistant Walter Springer

Music Coordinator - Patricia Ruddy

Directors of Hispanic Formation/RCIA -
Ruben and Guadalupe Muñoz
Like our Facebook Page

Prayer Requests
Please send the names of those you would like to be on the prayer list to the office at Secretary@spbcc.org .
Names will be on the prayer list for one month, if needed for a longer period, please contact the office.